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Past Events
Invited Speaker, “Indentured Students: Higher Education and the Student Loan Crisis,” ECCE Speaker Series, University of Illinois Springfield, March 21, 2022, Recording available here by April 11, 2022.
“Why Do 45 Million Americans Owe So Much Debt?” New York State Library Public Programming Series, January 28th, 2022, 11am-12pm EST.
Understanding and ending the student debt crisis, Future Trends Forum, January 27, 2022, 1-2pm CT, Recording on YouTube
Indentured Students, Virtual USC Casden Institute Symposium, January 13, 2022, 7pm CT.
Trinity Long Room Hub, Virtual Fellow in Focus Event, 6 December, 2021, Recording Available.
Séminaire commun du LARCA, 29 November, 5-7pm CET, Zoom information here
Indentutred Students -- Comparing Loans USA and Australia, 16 November, 2021, 1130-1230 AEDT.
St. Olaf College's Institute for Freedom and Community's Fall 2021 Series, October 20, 2021, 7PM CT. Recording available online.
Panel on Indentured Students, Wilson Center, History and Public Policy Seminar Series, October 4, 2021, 4-5:30 PM ET. Recording available online.